Candida Krusei – a pathogenic yeast

Candida Krusei is a budding yeast and a subspecies of the Candida Alibcans fungi, about which we wrote in the preceding blog article.

Candida Krusei can populate a variety of living environments. It can be found in food products, ground soil and waste water.

It is mostly people with a weakened immune system who are afflicted with Candida Krusei, which can cause skin infections and damage to inner organs. The nails and the bronchia are most frequently affected; however, infections of the gastrointestinal tract, the gall and the bladder are also common.

The symptoms caused by Candida Krusei are wide-ranging and include, for example, stomach aches, flatulence, shortness of breath, joint pain, heart problems, breathing difficulties and, as a result of a suppressed immune system, the common cold. It is precisely this variety of signs and symptoms that often makes a diagnosis of Candida Krusei so difficult.

Candida Krusei can primarily be detected in stool samples that are analyzed specifically for fungi. Conclusions as to the occurrence of fungi can also be drawn from saliva cultures and special blood tests.

You can contribute in a very important way to the treatment – be it medical or holistic – of a fungal infestation: change your diet!

Yeast cells love all things rich in sugar and carbohydrates, which is why you should be firm in staying away from industrial sugars, fruit sugars and bread for the duration of your therapy. So-called complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables and potatoes, are allowed. The duration of the treatment varies from person to person. Some may find permanent relief within a few weeks, others may need many months to get rid of their Candida symptoms. Patience is a key virtue when it comes to fighting fungi. It is important to stick to your diet as strictly and as long as possible and to not fall back into old habits at the first signs of improvement. If you keep up your new, healthy lifestyle, Candida will have no chance in the long run.

Did you know that Candida Krusei also has an industrial function?

The budding yeast plays an important role in chocolate production: in order for them to lose their bitter taste, cocoa beans have to be fermented and broken down. This takes place with specific strains of Candida Krusei. They produce an enzyme, similar to acetic acid, which eliminates the bitterness in the beans, allowing the chocolaty aroma to unfold. Candida Krusei is also used in the ripening process of cheese and in the production of baker’s yeast.

Should you have any questions about Candida Krusei, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Am 27. November 2012 in: fungal, infections von Björn Snoek
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