Wheat is one of the sweet grasses (Poaceae) of the genus Triticum L. The two most commonly grown species are durum- and common wheat, whereby the second one is more starchy. The term “wheat” is derived from the “white” (light) flour and also the bright color of the wheatfruit. Furthermore “Triticum” is derived from the Latin participle “tritum”, which means “rubbed” or “threshed”.
Grain can cause problems for some people and also make them ill propably. There are 3 types, first of all the autoimmune disease celiac disease and also wheat-allergy and -sensitivity. In addition, original wheat is well tolerated compared to the modern type and therefore offers a good alternative finally.
The immune system forms antibodies in a celiac disease – triggered by the modern type – that attack the gluten. However, the intestine is getting attacked here and sensitive cells will be also destroyed. This affects about 1% of the population. Common symptoms include indigestion, nutritional deficiencies, weight loss but also weakness, decreased fertility, migraine or psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, a cure is not possible. Therefore the only option is to give up completely on the modern type of grains and gluten-containing foods for lifetime.
Gluten is an important ingredient in the baking industry because it makes the dough elastic for bread and also other baked goods. A good quality of the gluten is important nowadays above all therefore, so the breeders have changed the composition at the request of the baking industry. Gluten consists of glutenin and gliadin. Since glutenin is particularly important for the elasticity of the dough, there was a change in the ratio of these two components and finally an increase in glutenin content. However, it is not yet clear whether some people will really suffer as a result.
The composition of the gluten in the original wheat is natural and also unchanged. The so-called D-genome, which can be found in the modern type and often causes suffering, does not exist in the original type. Therefore, even people who don´t tolerate the classic type usually can safely resort to eat the original one. This therefore contributes a great benefit to our health.
Wheat allergy occur relatively rare, especially among bakers. Proteins from the grains can trigger various reactions on the skin, in the lungs (“baker’s asthma”) and also in the stomach. With the help of an antibody determination in the blood and a so-called prick test, the allergy can be clearly detected.
Another disease is the so-called wheat sensitivity, which today affects up to five percent of Germans. Some symptoms include fatigue, tiredness and also overwork. According to recent studies, it is probably not only the gluten that is responsible but further more other proteins, such as ATIs (Amylase trypsin inhibitors) plays a major role, too. These are natural insect repellents of plants which can intensify inflammatory processes in the human body.
An Australian team of researchers found out that various sugars ( FODMAPs for short) can trigger afflictions also in some people. FODMAP stands for “fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides as well as polyols”. They naturally appear in certain foods, especially in grains.
Here, original wheat is an good alternative too, because it differs from the modern type in the content of ATIs and also FODMAPs.
Persons suffering from diabetes should, according to research information, avoid the classic wheat of today. It is known that the blood sugar level rises very fast when eating products made from this classic type. First researches from Italy show that the blood sugar level does not increase after eating a specially processed original type, but even a reduction was observed in subjects after the consumption of special wheat noodles. (More information on this topic will follow).
In our next blog post you will get even more exciting information about the benefits and health-promoting aspects of original wheat as well as the different types of wheat and also their structure.