Dark field microscopy is used to analyze the actual physical condition and supportive monitoring of recommendations we make. The dark field microscope allows the high-contrast representation of the finest objects in the vital blood. In conventional light microscopy it’s hardly recognizable. As a result, in addition to the red and white blood cells, other, and in particular also unwanted constituents, of the blood can be visualized visually.
In dark field microscopy, a drop of blood is removed from the fingertip and viewed under the special microscope.
On a large video screen you can study your living blood. Our team analyzes the pictures with you. In particular parasites found in the blood, such as fungal infection or worms, too much animal protein and acid crystals. Water and sports deficiencies as well as malnutrition can also be illustrated in the context of dark field microscopy. We give you individual explanations for relationships that can be identified. Based on this, you will receive a advice, which in most cases can e. g. be also includes nutritional advice.
We conduct a before-and-after analysis that document your success with our recommendations. In this way, we get to the root of the cause, show weaknesses in your body and immune system and advise you on how you can actively counteract.
To illustrate, here you will find two pictures compare each other:
Picture 1 shows sticky red blood cells, it can be seen a so-called “roll of money”. Figure 2 shows free red blood cells.
So-called “rolls of money” can be e.g. based of a lack of movement. One speaks also of an adhesion of the blood. If there is a weak formation of “rolls of money”, this may be e.g. be resolved by a swift walk through the staircase.
If a person has a lot of movement, it is less likely to see the formation of a “roll of money” as shown in Figure 1. In picture 2 the red blood cells “swim” freely.
Make an appointment today for your dark field analysis. Do not hesitate and call us at (+49) 681 – 830 53 533 or send us a message via our contact form.
Your team of neuromuscular methodology